Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Nokia : MP3 Calls, SMS and Alarm (mp3)

List ringing:
AAA did not throw me on the wall!
The balance of the account equals 9330 dollars
Run, and then throw me!
Without XaTTaB you cunt.
You call kamikaze universe.
Your 'Hammer' departure Senate President.
Owner 'Mercedes' to the phone! .
Take my hand, prizhmi to use.
Take tlyubku- phone calls! .
Take a tube-Blondes do not like (Ksenia Sobchak - travesty).
Take a tube, I know how to build (Ksenia Sobchak - travesty).
Take a pipe-actually ZHIVOTNOE!
All ill-again someone calls!
You stuhli that I
she receives SMS
Detka-sweet konfetka, call
Dzin is your telefonchik
Dzin, dzin- mom is, I
Dilidon- phone is ringing
Star shocked! Take the Tube (Sergei Zverev - travesty)
Star calls-calls (Sergei Zverev - travesty)
ZvOnyut, zvo- zvo- zvonyut- tube Take!
Zone of network
I wonder who is calling us
Through my appointment
Yee-detka! The signal is on the wire
Yee-response bratanu .. declare a real war!
Ye Gansta, raise your phone!
Township man, the response bratanu
As is obvious dûr (Sergei Zverev - travesty)
Death! Police! Steal!
When call-govoli 'Ale'

Kony in apples and Blondes in chocolate! (Ksenia Sobchak - travesty)
Who will hang the first to receive 100 money
Who is there to me, nazvanivaet! Dick I have
Someone afraid someone!
Someone is ringing again!
Marmoset of LSD
I zadolbalo Oh!
My name is Vladimir, you call (VV P. travesty)
I call on both kolbasit!
Nice Relax-vibration
I am afraid they call!
Cell Cars mad!
Mobile plant-talk with you begin
Mobile zlobus-My boss Loudmouth and Yap!
My voice vibration design
Press the button, go to feed operators.
Nakin something from Dolce and reconciliation call
We have to work on the show (VV P. travesty)
It is intended to call D-Texas at
Not holding office, Take phone!
Do not pull the phone from the pocket-Napisyayu!
Well, I think all poskakala (Ksenia Sobchak - travesty)
You hang up and answer ...! (V. P. travesty)
You want to respond!
About Sol Myo!
One call propuscheny
Answer the call, the President was concerned (VV P. travesty)
Pope, Take tlyubku
Paranoid. I think that someone is ringing!
First to answer the first second
Song sings phone
By phone must say, not pizdet
Tale of the forgotten nofelete
Raise tube-you call uguki
While I was young, I telephoned fun
Enough zachehlitsya in Armani-Tired call
Miga f. Then, you calling your phone
Postman Mobilkin - Prines magazine Murzilka
Prosypaysya, removing pop from the bed!
Drunken Blonde fourth the size of calls
Drunken plumbing-drink 10 liters of vodka
Razrazi me again incoming thunder -
Robot. You call
Rusti- Frusti
Sbrendivshy alien
Today, you come to the 'Lexus' and not' BMW '
Skulyaschy phone. The owner, Take a piece
Slysh quilt
Slysh there to bykovat Take-tube
Laughter fumed pigs
Per-cc Now I smsku
Strastiyu gentle to you, I sgorAAYuYuYu
Mad yaposhka
Techno Cat
Same-me joy is to keep ringing! (Sergei Zverev - travesty)
There want to talk (Stalin-travesty)
You Dumb-making, the response to the call, Pork
Thousand terms! Who calls during storm
We have democracy, so that answered! (V. P. travesty)
Hooray! Finally, someone calls
Hawa Nagila of mad phone
The owner, in kind, let answer
The owner, I am evil! Fuck off
Khor animals
With this phone, you forget about everything (Stalin-travesty)
School bell-Dance Mix. Lessons graduated
Hey, you vhodyaschiy- incoming call, AGA
Hey detka-sweet konfetka
Erotic o-best in club poplyashu
This is your Glamour piece-Come to me
This I-calling your mother! Izvelas and can not
This is your mother - I
I vibrate in pocket
I am calling all the louder, boy
I understand that this is expensive-click on the button
I sound-pogovoli me
Here I am, very modest, calling! (Sergei Zverev - travesty)

Year: 2007
File Format: zip -> mp3
File Size: 5Mb


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